To me, it’s like second nature to tell people I love them. Because anything can happen. What if a piano falls on their head after they slip on a banana peel? And their skull gets crushed to a bloody pulp before they ever heard me say:
No one could ever make me laugh like you. When I made you laugh, I felt so accomplished. Our conversations regularly made me happy to be alive in whatever time and place we found ourselves in. Most of the time it was in Chicago, but also in Toronto and the California redwoods.
You help remind me what’s important and what’s certainly not. You raised the standards of what it’s like to love me. I thought my life couldn’t get better — then I met you.
Watching you suspend your lives when one of us needed help makes me wonder what I did to deserve a community so generous and patient. Knowing your care so closely now, I don’t think I could ever earn our friendship, but I am so glad it came to me.
Love and solidarity...our eternal human bond...